Space City Comic Con Rocked!
I. Had. A. BLAST! Although there were some shenanigans regarding the promoter skipping out with the cash that was supposed to go to...

Space City Comic Con 2016 approaches!!
I had a total blast on the Tough Mudder course this weekend! Every year, I take a team from Jade Mountain to hit the Tough Mudder, a...

60K Words...
Book 3 is rolling along much faster than Book 2. It took 16 months to get Gart's Road published, but this time is different. Really,...

I'm on the Radio! Wednesday, 3p CT
Apparently, I wasn't ridiculous enough last time, so the fabulous Dellani Oakes has decided to have me back on her show, What's Write for...

January Book Signing!
I'm thrilled to announce that I'll be visiting Katy Budget Books (my faaaavorite bookstore in Katy) and signing copies of Gart's Road and...

...the blade hissed through the air and zzzzzzz...
Ok, I've been a martial artist for over 30 years. I've been a professional instructor for 12. My life revolves around combat of many...

Q&A with Brian Briscoe, author of Juke.
Brian Briscoe has written an interesting and engaging tale of two men, both very different, but alike in that their lives have been hard...
An Author Interview!
The author of the Tales of Evermagic series, Jessica Lorenne, was kind enough to post an interview with me back in October!...

It has begun.
I knew it would happen. When I finally held the paperback copy of Gart's Road in my hands, there was a massive sense of satisfaction, of...