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60K Words...

Book 3 is rolling along much faster than Book 2. It took 16 months to get Gart's Road published, but this time is different. Really, I'm spending every spare minute at my keyboard, trying to get this story O-U-T. I've always enjoyed writing, but this time around, I'm truly having a ton of fun! Today, I hit 60K words, which is way ahead of the schedule I kept on Gart's Road. I think I only managed 7,500 a month on that one, and now I'm averaging 1,000 a day. This is still not terribly fast for an author, but since I'm still running a martial arts school full-time (with no plans to retire), then it's pretty good for me.

I still have no idea what the cover will look like, other than the fact that it'll be predominantly gold. I'll be sure and keep everyone updated (like you could stop me!) on the process as I go.

Hey, just a little food for thought: if you want to write, then go write. If you want to be a poet, do so. Wanna sing? Belt out some tunes whenever you get the chance. You're going to roll through this particular life just this once, so if there's something that you really, really want to paint, write, sing, or whatever...then just go do that. You'll get better at it eventually, and you'll be glad you did. Have a great weekend!


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