A Mage Awakens is Released! Oh, and Radio Show!
It's done. The story that popped into my head over 20 years ago has finally been told, all three books are written, and the trilogy is available on Amazon.com. I've got paperback copies on their way, and I know that I still won't feel that solid sense of completion until I can hold all three books in hand. Wow. I'm excited! I want to thank all the folks who supported me all this time, and everyone who's ever bought, borrowed, and read any bit of my work. I'm deeply grateful.
In other news, the radio show is today! I'll be talking about my books with the amazing Dellani Oakes at 3pm Texas time. Right after me, my lifelong friend Brian D. Briscoe will be talking about his own books, "Juke," and "The Conflict Etiquette Handbook," and then author, Gary D Henry, who's written a ton of stuff. It's always fun, and you can ask questions on the chat function while we jabber away!
I'll be reading from A Mage Awakens: Book 3 of the Jidaan Trilogy. Brian is supposed to as well, but he went and got laryngitis, so keep your fingers crossed that he'll not sound like a stepped-on frog this afternoon.
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Did I mention that I'm thinking of becoming a Pro Wrestler?