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Audiobooks and New Covers

Woo hooo! At long last, the Audio version of Mage's Burden is available! I'm so excited for you all to hear it! Gene Rowley did an amazing job of bringing the book to life, and I found myself listening to the story as if I weren't the guy who wrote it! You can check it out here, and it's also available on iTunes!

In other news, I recently reread the Forge Born Duology and decided that those two books desperately needed new covers. Seriously. I'm quite pleased with the story and felt that it deserved better covers than those I originally had made. Enter Dar Albert of Wicked Smart Designs. The woman is magick, I tell you! Check them out...

If you haven't checked out this short series, of course I think you should! The fact that you're reading my blog hopefully means you're a fan of the genre, and this epic fantasy story is filled with action, memorable characters, and even a few laughs here and there. In addition, if you're a fan of the original trilogy, The Fire of the Jidaan, then you'll love seeing a few of the Guardians in their middle years: older, wiser, and still perfectly capable of kicking some butts! See if you can find my subtle (well, maybe not so much so) nods to a couple of my favorite 80's movies!

Keep an eye out here, I'll be posting another cool Author Interview in the next day or so. One thing I love about indie publishing is meeting all the other authors out there. See y'all again soon!

1 Comment

Elvis Guetta
Elvis Guetta
Sep 16

I loved reading about the latest trends in audiobooks and the new covers—they really do add a fresh dimension to the experience! It’s amazing how a great cover can enhance our connection to a story.

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Thanks for sharing these insights and reminding us of the importance of a good book cover!

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