Space City Comic Con Rocked!
I. Had. A. BLAST! Although there were some shenanigans regarding the promoter skipping out with the cash that was supposed to go to the Sons of Anarchy stars, my friends, family, and I all had a really great time out there. I didn't sell out of all my books this time, but I learned a lot and had the chance to talk to quite a few folks. A few of them were fans! Some had bought, read, and enjoyed Mage's Burden during this same convention last year and they were quite vocal about their excitement and eagerness to pick up Gart's Road! Woo hoooo! It's so gratifying to talk to folks who've enjoyed my work.
There were quite a few stars I wanted to meet this time, and they were all very nice. My favorites were Sandahl Bergman and Adrian Paul. We came away from talking with them and felt that we were friends, not fans. Others we met were Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Sam J Jones, Marina Sirtis, Brent Spiner, Danny Trejo, and Ron Perlman. If you like sci-fi/fantasy (if you're reading this blog, then you probably do), then I strongly suggest that you go to a convention like this. Save up for it, meet your favorite stars, and have some fun. You won't regret it!
I finished another chapter in A Mage Awakens today, which means there are approximately 6 chapters left. Could be more, but that's my best guess just now. I'm still shooting for the end of June. Admittedly, I've been wrong about my estimates before, but I'm feeling good about this. Really.