-Martial Artist - Author - Troublemaker-
Whit McClendon

I've grown up reading fantasy novels and comic books, where heroes battle evil at every turn. I started writing when I was in junior high to amuse myself, and was finally inspired to write something more substantial when I was in my early 20's. Martial arts often got in the way of my writing, but I got serious about writing in 2014. What started as a single story ended up as three books, and then another story developed after that. My latest series is an Urban Fantasy set in West Houston. I've other tales burbling around in my head, and I'll get them out as soon as I can...in the meantime, I hope you enjoy looking around my website. Feel free to write or message me, I love to talk to fantasy readers!
Whit McClendon

True to the fantasy genre in all respects Mage's Burden is a must read. Move over Game of Thrones, there's a new story in town. Great characters, descriptive narrative, and a villain we can loathe. All this makes Mage's Burden one of my favorite reads of the year. Highly recommended.
Cris Pasqueralle, fantasy author Destiny Revealed
The story is thrilling and scary at the same time. I thoroughly enjoyed the first installment of this series and can’t wait for the next book. The characters are real as everyday people called to duty to rid the world of this monster bent on controlling the world and destroying all mankind. The storytelling is top notch and I really rooted for all the characters. I give Mage's Burden five gold stars.
Karen Vaughan, mystery author Dead Men Don't Swing, Over Her Dead Body
Whit McClendon has written an amazing fantasy. It has just the right proportions of world-building, character, and action. I couldn't put it down, and I can't wait for the next book.
Anna Brown, Marketing Director, Katy Budget Books
This is not even the type of fiction that I would normally read, but so glad that I did. Wonderful characters and smooth flow of story kept me interested and never lost...when will the next installment be released??? !
Lisa Hacker, Supervisor of the Speaking, Reading, Writing Center, College of the Mainland
The sequel to Mage's Burden, Gart's Road is a fantastic adventure. Recoil at the evil descending on Laro, guarded by Brunar and the other five Guardians of the Jidaan. Revel in the selflessness and heroism interwoven with magick and humor. Every one of the good guys comes alive on the page, making you root for them and thirst for more when the book concludes.
McClendon's writing is vivid and smooth, bringing to life all manner of creatures. He deftly portrays nuanced moments as well as raging battles. It's a book that draws you into its world with creativity and boundless imagination. It's far and away the best book I read in 2015.
Brian Briscoe LPC, counselor, musician, and author Juke